背景: 如有一企业A,已有境内运营的子公司B, 现在香港设立子公司C,C在内地设有子公司D并开展运营
目的: 拟在3年后在以C为主体母公司在香港上市,并希望能将B这三年的经营业绩纳入C中。
问题: 1) C对B的收购必须要在现在完成,才能满足持续经营业绩计算要求?
2) 如1)为否,C能否在第三年对B进行收购,由于为同一控制下的企业合并,能否把B过去三年的利润也纳入上市指标,并且将其纳入合并报表编制范围?
3) 如果2)可行,能否有相关条文支撑,需要做何种注释,并能否列举实例。
相关资料: 1) IFRS下,IFRS 3的解释范围已明确表明此种合并在其解释范围外
2) HK GAAP下,根据HK注册会计师公会 AG5, merge accounting guidence, No.11
The consolidated income statement includes the results of each of the combining entities or businesses from the earliest date presented (ie. including the comparative period) or since the date when the combining entities or businesses first came under the control of the controlling party or parties, where this is a shorter period, regardless of the date of the common control combination. The consolidated income statement also takes into account the profit or loss attributable to the minority interest recorded in the consolidated financial statements of the controlling party.
这个条文中the earliest date presented是指报告所包含的最早的期间么?
the date when the combining entities or businesses first came under the control of the controlling party or parties中间的controlling party是指拟上市主体得控制(如C),还是最终统一控制人的控制(如A)?
3) PRC下,根据《关于同一控制人在首发报告期内对相同或类似业务进行重组的审核指引》