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发表于 2013-5-13 12:22:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
露珠目前就职于一件金融类的Consulting firm ,也是MOODY旗下的一家公司 我们的其他股东还包括 bank of america merrill Lynch 等,我们主要为全球知名的 Investmeng Bank 和PE机构提供相应的金融服务,目前我们中国的BASE在北京,在上海也有OFFICE, 我们主要为投行提供 comparable company analysis, fianncial modelling, capital market analysis,evaluation 等等的服务,我们的Headquarter在LONDON, 服务也受到了投行和pe house 的认可,Wall street Journal,financial times 等等都有报道过哦,
我们目前在招聘 英语的ANALYST 和 日语的ANALYST,欢迎给位有志于投身金融行业的童鞋 来砸简历哈,可以投递到:rui_liu@copalpartners.net ,下面是JD哦:

-       Company profiles / reports
-       Industry and capital market newsletters
-       Financial analysis
-       Trading comps
-       Transaction comps
-       Industry reports
-       Thematic studies
-       Capital structure analyses
-       Financial benchmarking
-       Technical Korean-English/English-Korean translation
Required Background
-          Complete fluency in written and verbal Korean & English language
-          Top academic credentials
-          Technical skills
o    Must have strong written/verbal and quantitative skills
o    Strong analytical skills
o    Good grasp of business concepts
o    Strong knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint.
-          Soft skills
o    Strong project management / multi-tasking skills
o    Ability to work against tight deadlines
o    High attention to detail
o    Highly ambitious
o    Team player

发表于 2013-12-16 14:56:52 | 显示全部楼层
楼主,我目前在某四大咨询工作,刚入行半年,之前在券商自营做过行研实习,硕士学习的主要是Equity Research和Financial Modeling,楼主的公司是否考虑呢?

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