Tony Atkinson, Joe Hasell,
Salvatore Morelli, and Max Roser
The Chartbook of Economic Inequality
A B Atkinson,
Nuffield College, Oxford, London School of Economics and Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School
Joe Hasell,
University of Naples – Federico II
Salvatore Morelli,
Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School and CSEF – University of Naples – Federico II
Max Roser
Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School
May 2017
The Chartbook summarizes the evidence about long-run changes in five different dimensions of
economic inequality – overall and top income inequality, poverty, earnings dispersion, and wealth
inequality – for 25 countries covering more than one hundred years. The evidence represents an
update and extension of the work done by Atkinson and Morelli (2014). The results are presented
in 25 charts, one for each country, together with a full description of the method and sources.
Series, sources and graphs can be downloaded at www.chartbookofeconomicinequality.com.
The purpose of this Chartbook is to present a summary of evidence about long-run changes
in five different dimensions of economic inequality for 25 countries covering more than one
hundred years. The evidence represents an update of the work done by Atkinson and
Morelli (2014). There is a range of countries and they account for more than a third of the
world’s population: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland,
India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mauritius, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the US. The
results are presented in 25 charts, one for each country, together with a description of the
sources. The underlying figures and original sources are available at
We aim to provide for each country five indicators covering on an annual basis:
1. Overall income inequality
2. Top income shares
3. Income (or consumption) based poverty measures;
4. Dispersion of individual earnings;
5. Top wealth shares/ wealth inequality measures.
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